B Sides and Marginalia Installation at MX Gallery with Ian Swanson (Not pictured)
Drawings, paintings, videos, Men Going Their Own Way scarf, acoustic guitar and stand, 263 Quincy St. apartment room door, collaborations with Yasamin Keshtkar, Mike Intile, and David Stawar, room, skylight, spot light






Men Going Their Own Way scarf
: Men Going Their Own Way scarf





Video: A man (Myself) Text (Action)
: Video: A man (Myself) Text (Action)

Video: Die in your shit
: Video: Die in your shit




Video: Marinara-Gottis with God
: Video: Marinara-Gottis with God



Apartment room door (inside)
: Apartment room door (inside)

Apartment room door (outside)
: Apartment room door (outside)